Week 12 : Infinity by Jaymes Young

 For my last blog, I decided to talk about my favorite song for the moment : Infinity by Jaymes Young. I rediscovered this music on Tik Tok. It's a love song and I'm the kind of person who really likes love songs. I'm obsessed with them. I think I'm a romantic person, this explains why I like it so much. 

When you listen to it, you can feel the love he feels for a person. I like this music very much, I find myself in the lyrics since I am currently happy in a relationship. The lyrics are poignant and express well what one can feel when one is in a relationship. I really like the instrumental which is quite calm and suddenly the instrumental becomes more punchy. 

If you want to listen to more love songs, here are some of my favorites : Je te laisserai des mots-Patrick Watson.  Another Love-Tom Odell. The night we met-Lord Huron. Moral of the story-Ashe. 


  1. Tik Tok is honestly a great way to rediscover a song. It has reconnected me with songs that I completely forgot about. I like how you added that he makes you feel something when you hear him sing. Some artists do that for me as well and it connects you to a whole new level when you listen to it. Good Job!


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