Week 9 : Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin

Today, I decided to write about stairway to heaven by led zeppelin. It’s a song that I really appreciate. 

The long beginning with the instrumental is probably my favorite part of the music. 

The voice of the singer goes very well with the guitars which accompany him. It's a harmonious music and rather. A drum kit accompanies him from time to time during the music. 

It's a very long music but I have the impression that I can’t get tired of it when I listen to it. It's really a music based on the instrumental thus on the instruments. The end of the music is more rock, the music becomes more driving/ intense. It's a surprising song! 

It's the kind of music my mom plays loudly in the car when we're together. I like it a lot and I think that even if it's long, everybody can enjoy it. 


  1. I really enjoy this song. This is the kind of music my dad would play on road trips. It brings back memories. I think the lead singer does a great job. I like the length of the song it just shows something different.


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