Week 8 : Be My Baby by the Ronettes

Today, I decided to choose as music for my blog post : Be My Baby performed by the Ronettes.

This is the song that I really appreciate. I listen to it in France. It's a popular song because it's played in the film Dirty Dancing. I like this movie  because there is dancing, a complicated love story...

It's a rather romantic music, with a good rhythm. We feel sensuality in this music, I like it very much! This music makes you want to dance with the person you love until the end of the night.

We feel the love in this music, the passion of the first love. I think that everybody can listen to this music even if it's a love song. This does not necessarily please everyone. 

It's the kind of music lover that I could listen all day long in loop without getting tired of it. I advise everyone to listen to this music even if it is not your style. I think everyone can understand the message of love behind this music. 


  1. I agree that everyone should be able to listen to this song. It has a good rhythm and is very catchy. After listening to it once, it continues to play in my head. I also agree that it has a melody that makes you want to move and dance to.

  2. I like how you mentioned the catchy rhythm and melody that makes you want to dance because I totally agree. I think it is cool that it was in the movie Dirty Dancing because I can tell that it fit into the film really well and helped to tell the story.

  3. I found your blog post very inspirational! I too am a huge fan of the dancing in Dirty Dancing! This song does make you want to dance with your love all night long. It also has a sense of longing in the lyrics. She is asking this mysterious man to be her boyfriend. It easy to fantasize while listening to this song because of how magical the lyrics and tune can be.


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