Week 10 : Da ya think I'm sexy ? - Rod Stewart

 This week I decided to choose this music : Da Ya think I'm sexy by Rod Stewart. I chose this music because it's almost the same music as Do you think I'm disco ? by Steve Dahl. It is the same rhythm, as you can hear it is exactly the same instrumental. The thing that is different is the lyrics. Personally, I prefer Rod's music since it's more my style, it's not a humoristic music like the other one. Rod's music is a love music, he takes himself more seriously. That's what I like best. But I like the instrumental in both music because it's the same. We feel that Steve doesn't take himself seriously and that the goal of this music is to have fun. I think a lot of people will prefer the same music as me for probably the same reasons. I can't wait to read your feedback on these two songs.


  1. I really liked what you had to say in this blog post about this song. I also liked how you chose this song because of how it is similar to "Do You Think I'm Disco?" because of the instrumental style. It is interesting to see the similarity that is evident between different songs, so I liked how you noticed this one.


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