Week 4 : Wrappin' it up by Fletcher Henderson

For this week, I chose the music : Wrappin’ it up by Fletcher Henderson. I like this music because there are only instruments. It's my favorite kind of music as you could understand it. 

The instruments give a harmonious sound, they are coordinated together which gives a beautiful harmony. This music is not surprising because there is no voice behind/with the instruments. The instruments used are the same as for the other musics of the time. I really like the rhythm of the music, it is quite rhythmic and the solos of some instruments add something more. 

I could listen to this music in events but not alone at home. It's a beautiful music that I advise you to listen to even if you don't like music with only instruments. 


  1. I agree that this song has a good rhythm. I typically do not like songs that do not have words, but due to the upbeat tempo of this song I think that it is decent. There are several instruments that are played in it and they all do a good job of communicating with each other.


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