Week 3 : I Got Rhythm - Ethel Merman

For this new week, I decided to write about the song : I Got Rhythm by Ethel Merman It's a dynamic song that makes people want to dance. You just want to get out of bed and dance to this song.

It's a nostalgic song but there's a lot of rhythm. If I didn't know it was a nostalgic song, I would never have guessed it when I heard it. 

This song surprised me because at the beginning the instruments play fast and something that makes you want to dance but 10 seconds later Ethel sings and it's not the same energy as at the beginning. It's slower and you think: what's going on? 

It’s like a jazz dancing music. This is typically the kind of music I don't usually listen to. This music has nothing to do with what I usually listen to but I like it because it’s catchy.

My favorite part of this music is the moment of the instrumental as my other music blog post. I really like to listen to the instrumentals of each music. 

My least favorite part is when Ethel sings. I find that her voice (although she has a beautiful voice) does not go with the rhythm of the music. She adds something that doesn't match with the music. Only the instrumental would have been great.

I think that everyone can listen to this music even if like me it is not their favorite genre. I don't think I could listen to this music every day, but at a family dinner I could say I know this music!


  1. I actually would have to disagree with you! I feel that Ethel Mermans voice is perfect for this song! The instruments were very overpowering and the only type of voice that I thought could match it would be a belters voice! I think if they were to ask regular singer to perform this song, their voice would be drowned behind the accompaniment.

  2. Hi Susanne, I really like your blogg. I chose to write about the same song for my blogg post. I agree about the song being dynamic and making people wanting to dance. However, I think Ethel Mermans voice fit the song very good.

  3. I love the way you listen to the songs! Although I have to say that I actually think Ethel Mermans voice compliments the music a lot. This typically isn't the music I listen to either so I totally get where your coming from. The rhythm of the song is my favorite as well! Great job analyzing this song!

  4. Hi! I loved your post and the breakdown of this song! This was one of my favorite songs that we were shown to in class. I love how upbeat and catchy it is. Through out the day I catch myself randomly humming it. I would have to disagree with you because I personally really like Ethel's voice in this song, but I can definitely see how other people wouldn't.


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